Have you been feeling moody, depressed or anxious lately? Has your focus been off? Perhaps it’s time to take a look at your diet. Dr. Daniel Amen shares with us six toxic foods that can cause our mental health to take a turn and what you can do to feel better.
1. Sugar and Refined Carbohydrates
Often when we feel bad, we crave sugary sweetness. We love the comfort sweet foods provide, but they don’t love us back. Sugar (and even natural honey and maple syrup), as well as refined carbohydrates (white bread, pastries, pasta, and crackers), cause blood sugar levels to spike and then drop, impacting your mood and sense of wellbeing. Diets high in sugar increase inflammation, cause fatigue and cravings, and lead to erratic brain cell firing that has been implicated in aggression, a 2021 study indicates. Another recent study showed increased markers of preclinical Alzheimer’s disease (lower overall brain and hippocampal volume, poorer episodic memory, and cognitive...
In our coaching programs, we encourage our members to go through a detox at least two or three times a year. That’s because a detox is the quickest way to feel better, reboot your health and jumpstart your weight loss. If you’re not sure how that looks, Dr. Mark Hyman shares some ways you can do a detox to help get your body back to its optimum.
There is no way to handle a true physiological addiction except to stop it completely. Addicts can’t have just one line of cocaine or just one drink. Go cold turkey. But you won’t have to white-knuckle it because if you follow “5 Ways to Detox” you will automatically reset your body’s neurotransmitters and hormones.
Stop all forms of sugar, all flour products and all artificial sweeteners. They all cause increased cravings and slow metabolism, and lead to fat storage. This especially includes liquid sugar calories—a latte can have more...
At RISE, we recommend doing a detox at least twice a year. It helps reset the body and releases toxins that cause inflammation. Health expert JJ Virgin wrote that many people start a weight loss plan without addressing their body's toxic burden. But here's the thing: Toxins are stored in fat. When you lose weight, you release those toxins, which can lead to toxic overload. She also said it’s important to minimize that toxic burden so you can lose weight successfully. Here she shares 5 things that you need to detox correctly.
Your liver converts toxins into water-soluble substances, which your body can then excrete. Here's the take-home: Without amino acids like glycine, taurine, and glutamine, your liver cannot do this. As a result, your body may actually become more toxic.
Many detox plans, which are little more than sugar water with a few added nutrients, miss this critical point. When you don’t get sufficient protein, your body...
Spring is one of our favorite seasons with all the signs of new life, energy and growth. It’s the perfect time for a spring detox to revitalize, refresh and renew. Practiced by cultures around the world, incorporating a detox into your self-care routine is all about resting, cleansing and nourishing your body from the inside out.
By removing and eliminating toxins, while feeding your body with healthy nutrients, a detox is the quickest way to feel better, invigorate your health and supercharge your weight loss.
Three times a year we offer a time to come together and revitalize our health with a 21-day guided detox. If you’ve been considering trying one but aren’t sure, check out just a few of the benefits you’ll enjoy...
1. Weight Loss and Improved Metabolism
There are many reasons to do a detox besides losing weight. But if weight loss is one of your goals, a detox diet can be a great way to jumpstart your progress.
2. Increased Energy
An energy boost is...
Recently, we had the great joy of meeting with our dear friend, world renowned health expert and best selling author, Dr. Wiliam Sears as he shared some of his timely “Weight Loss wisdom” from his incredible book, “The Dr. Sears T-5 Wellness Plan: Transform Your Mind and Body” for a New You in 2022! We hope you enjoy Dr. Bill’s common sense approach as much as we did! Take it away Dr. Bill!
“I owe the past 20 years as a cancer survivor mostly to learning that sugar is a growth food for cancer cells. The standard American diet, high in added sugars, is basically chemical fertilizers for tumor growth. This one simple change—eliminating added sugars from my diet—not only helped me survive and heal from cancer, but it helps every other system in my body thrive.
The good news is, we’ll soon know exactly how much added sugar is in most of our foods, as you'll see a new line for added sugar on food labels...
This week we thought it would be fun and timely to focus one of our favorite strategies to transform your health! It’s our favorite as it’s delightfully simple and it works!
Bottom line, if you want to get healthy, your top priority should be to dive into a community of like-minded individuals to watch your health soar!
According to Dr. Mark Hyman, “You are more likely to be overweight if your friend’s, friend’s friend is overweight than if your parents are overweight. Your social networks may matter more than your genetic networks. If your friends have healthy habits you are more likely to as well. So, get healthy friends!”
Community: The Best Medicine for Change
Research shows that community is definitely the best medicine to foster long-term change and improve health.
Group models of intensive lifestyle change like the one modeled by Dr. Dean Ornish for heart disease and prostate cancer, are more effective and save more lives than using...
People decide to detox for all kinds of different reasons. Practiced by cultures around the world, incorporating a detox into your self-care routine is all about resting, cleansing and nourishing your body from the inside out.
By removing and eliminating toxins, while feeding your body with healthy nutrients, a detox is the quickest way to feel better, revitalize your health and supercharge your weight loss.
Three times a year we offer a time to come together and revitalize our health with a 10-day detox. If you’ve been considering trying one but aren’t sure, check out just a few of the benefits you’ll enjoy...
There are many reasons to do a detox besides losing weight. But if weight loss is one of your goals, a detox diet can be a great way to jumpstart your progress.
An energy boost is one of the first benefits of detoxing you’ll notice. Detoxing takes away foods that cause energy crashes, leaving you...
What if you could hit every nutritional need in your morning smoothie? You can! And studies show you are 30% more likely to eat healthy throughout your day if you start it right. A well-balanced smoothie is a simple and satisfying way to achieve this goal. This Daily 5 Smoothie Guide offers an easy-to-follow approach to building your perfect 16 oz smoothie in five steps! This breakfast nutrition hack ensures you have the opportunity to pack all the key nutrients as you start your day. Blender ready? Let's begin...
1. Mineral Rich Base: Your base should be functional, create a great texture, and provide additional nutrients for your optimal meal. I recommend 1 banana, ½ an avocado, or 1 cup of frozen fruit. You may wish to freeze your banana in advance for a creamier smoothie.
2. Antioxidants: Immune system boosters, antioxidants add another layer of flavor to your smoothie. Fruits that are high in antioxidants include berries, acai, pitaya, cherries, and pomegranate...
It’s natural for your cravings to increase and for you to look to food for extra comfort during times of high stress. Pair that with the addictive nature of many of the processed foods that surround us and finding food freedom can often be a real challenge.
If we are honest, for most of us these last few months have felt like being an eagle locked in a cage and we just can’t fly.
To help us break free, let’s take a moment to look at some key research from Dr. Mark Hyman on the science of food addiction and 5 keys that make a huge impact on curbing your cravings…
The Science of Sugar Addiction
“Dr. David Ludwig and his colleagues at Harvard proved that foods with more sugar— trigger a special region in the brain called the nucleus accumbens. This is your brain’s pleasure center that, when activated, makes you feel good and drives you to seek out more of that feeling.
That addiction triggers a vicious cycle of...
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