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A Healthy Gut is Crucial for Fat Loss

Want to lose weight and increase your effectiveness at burning fat? Start with these super effective strategies that support gut health from Nutrition and Fitness Expert JJ Virgin. We love how practical they are and that you can easily integrate them into your lifestyle…

When it comes to the causes of weight gain, you know the usual suspects. Poor diet, not exercising, and being stressed out — these are all common reasons for watching the scale go up. But did you know poor digestion could be a major contributor to weight gain too? A healthy gut is critical for fat loss.

Underlying weight loss and gut health are the trillions of bacteria that find a home in your gut. You have over 500 species of different bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract. In fact, you have more bacteria than you have cells! Most of that bacteria is good for you; it helps you break down food, absorb nutrients, and keep your immune system primed.

Some of that bacteria are the kind that attacks...

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How Intermittent Fasting Can Supercharge Your Health and Metabolism

We are all looking for ways to optimize our health and this week we thought we’d focus on a simple way to elevate our health with very little effort.

Intermittent Fasting has become a key part of all of our programs at RISE. We have found it to be an amazing tool to supercharge your health and metabolism.

Check out some key benefits of IF from leading Functional Medicine Expert Dr. Will Cole.

“If you haven’t tried fasting before, you don’t have to worry about being hungry and you can ease into a fasting practice and find what works for you. Here are the top reasons why you should try intermittent fasting if you need a simple way to boost your health...

1. Intermittent fasting keeps snacking at bay 

Snacking can easily throw us off track with reaching our wellness goals. Unless you plan out your snacks well, there is the chance you’ll give in to temptation when presented...

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The Art of Detox

Spring is one of our favorite seasons with all the signs of new life, energy and growth. It’s the perfect time for a spring detox to revitalize, refresh and renew. Practiced by cultures around the world, incorporating a detox into your self-care routine is all about resting, cleansing and nourishing your body from the inside out.

By removing and eliminating toxins, while feeding your body with healthy nutrients, a detox is the quickest way to feel better, invigorate your health and supercharge your weight loss.

Three times a year we offer a time to come together and revitalize our health with a 21-day guided detox. If you’ve been considering trying one but aren’t sure, check out just a few of the benefits you’ll enjoy...

1. Weight Loss and Improved Metabolism
There are many reasons to do a detox besides losing weight. But if weight loss is one of your goals, a detox diet can be a great way to jumpstart your progress.

2. Increased Energy
An energy boost is...

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