At RISE, we recommend doing a detox at least twice a year. It helps reset the body and releases toxins that cause inflammation. Health expert JJ Virgin wrote that many people start a weight loss plan without addressing their body's toxic burden. But here's the thing: Toxins are stored in fat. When you lose weight, you release those toxins, which can lead to toxic overload. She also said it’s important to minimize that toxic burden so you can lose weight successfully. Here she shares 5 things that you need to detox correctly.
Your liver converts toxins into water-soluble substances, which your body can then excrete. Here's the take-home: Without amino acids like glycine, taurine, and glutamine, your liver cannot do this. As a result, your body may actually become more toxic.
Many detox plans, which are little more than sugar water with a few added nutrients, miss this critical point. When you don’t get sufficient protein, your body may become more toxic. A loaded smoothie is the best way to break your fast and get the protein your body needs to detoxify.
Dietary fiber binds toxins, which you then eliminate (AKA poop). Studies show that increasing dietary fiber supports gut health. Plus, a healthy gut positively impacts other detoxification organs too, including the liver and kidneys.
My favorite fiber-rich foods include non-starchy, cruciferous veggies like broccoli and cabbage. Along with onions and garlic, these veggies also provide the mineral sulfur to boost detoxification.
If you’re grazing all day on your detoxification plan (even on healthy foods), you’re keeping your insulin elevated. And high insulin levels lock the door on fat burning. Intermittent fasting gives your hardworking gut a break. Fasting can support your liver’s ability to detoxify, too. Make sure your fast is at least 12 – 14 hours every day. To do that, have a healthy dinner, close the kitchen, and then break your fast the following morning with a loaded smoothie. You'll be sleeping eight or nine of those hours, so this overnight fast should be relatively painless. I recommend that you do an overnight fast every day. Occasionally, you might work up to a longer fast, including a 16 – 18 hour fast. That way, you get all of those detoxification benefits.
Water plays a significant role in detoxification, via supporting your body's perspiration and evaporation abilities. It also helps cleanse your skin and remove waste. Water does so many other things, too. It helps muscle maintenance and recovery, and prevents dehydration that can cause fatigue and raise stress hormones. When you’re dehydrated, your metabolism slows down, your stress hormones shoot up, and inflammation escalates. That's exactly what you don’t want to happen when you’re trying to minimize your body’s toxic burden.
By the time you realize you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated. Don’t let that happen. Sip clean, filtered water throughout the day and always have some within arm’s reach. Always choose clean, filtered water. Tap water can contain lead and other nasty ingredients that may impair detoxification. Need a little zing? Try sparkling water with a little lime, or one of my faves, spa water with cucumbers and a little mint.
Limit the amount of water you drink during meals, because too much water can dilute the stomach enzymes that break down protein. Otherwise, drink up!
Green tea is also awesome for detoxification. It’s loaded with polyphenols that support the body’s antioxidant defense, plus the L-theanine is super calming. That’s why I drink 32 ounces of green tea daily.
No matter how great your detoxification program, you’re not going to get the biggest bang for your metabolic buck without stellar sleep. Getting consistently great sleep helps your liver, kidneys, and gut detoxify more efficiently. But sleep can also support your brain’s ability to detoxify.
One study found that during sleep, a system called the glymphatic system can help the brain flush out toxins that can contribute to Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.
The sweet spot for burning fat, building muscle, revving up your metabolism, and swimming downstream with your stress is 7 – 9 hours of consistent, quality uninterrupted sleep every night.
Doing a detox can help reset your body, increase your metabolism, boost your immune system and promote optimal function of all your body systems.
Here’s to a healthier you!
The RISE team
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