Have you been feeling moody, depressed or anxious lately? Has your focus been off? Perhaps it’s time to take a look at your diet. Dr. Daniel Amen shares with us six toxic foods that can cause our mental health to take a turn and what you can do to feel better.
1. Sugar and Refined Carbohydrates
Often when we feel bad, we crave sugary sweetness. We love the comfort sweet foods provide, but they don’t love us back. Sugar (and even natural honey and maple syrup), as well as refined carbohydrates (white bread, pastries, pasta, and crackers), cause blood sugar levels to spike and then drop, impacting your mood and sense of wellbeing. Diets high in sugar increase inflammation, cause fatigue and cravings, and lead to erratic brain cell firing that has been implicated in aggression, a 2021 study indicates. Another recent study showed increased markers of preclinical Alzheimer’s disease (lower overall brain and hippocampal volume, poorer episodic memory, and cognitive...
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