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Dr. Mark Hyman’s Tips for Better Health

We thought it would be encouraging to check-in with our RISE Expert Faculty, Dr. Mark Hyman and glean a few of his favorite ways to strengthen and fortify your health for the journey ahead. Here are a few recommendations he prioritizes to support your immunity and energize your life…

1. A whole-foods, nutrient-dense diet.
Our immune system relies on nutrient-dense whole foods to function well. Vegetables are the foundation of a nourishing diet, and they provide so many immune-supporting nutrients like vitamin C (red bell peppers, broccoli, and spinach) and carotenoids (carrots, sweet potatoes, and kale). Aim for two servings of fruits and eight or more servings of vegetables a day! (A serving is half a cup.)

Berries, pasture-raised meats, and nuts and seeds are also nutritional powerhouses that will hold up great in the freezer, so you can stay stocked without going out.

2. Cut out sugars and refined starches.
There has never been a better time for a sugar and junk food detox....

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The 5 Most Overlooked Foods for Improved Gut Health

gut health healing health Nov 15, 2021

"You are what you eat.” This common phrase couldn’t be more true, but not in the way you might think. More accurately, the phrase should be “You are what your microbiome eats.” The trillions of bacteria and yeast in your gastrointestinal tract are fueled by the food you eat on a daily basis and it can dramatically affect aspects of your health beyond digestion including your immune system, brain, and hormones.

In today's Motivation Monday, leading functional-medicine expert Dr. Will Cole walks us through some key insights on improving our gut health, focusing on 5 amazing foods that significantly impact healing.

“In my telehealth functional medicine clinic, I have worked with thousands of patients on their gut health journey. And the interesting thing is, many people who come to me are actually doing all the “right” things but still struggle with gut problems. But the deeper I dive into their case, I see the problem.

Since every...

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Look and Feel Younger!

fitness health wellbeing Mar 11, 2021

What does “Young at heart” mean to you? 

Well, the Chicago Tribune was curious to know the answer to this question and asked their readers what they thought. Below are just a few of the interesting answers they received:

Rudolph Alfano, 80, Willowbrook "To think young and be positive each and every single day. That's why I think I'm 16 years old because I act like a kid sometimes. I stay young at heart by getting up early in the morning and going on my walk, going to bed early, eating fresh fruits and vegetables daily, working on a project each day and helping others."

William Danford, 91, Elmhurst "It means having a wonderful nature that is attractive at all times."

Lisa Dekter, 76, Addison "You realize that age is insignificant. To be 'young at heart' is to love life, wake up every day and enjoy that day as a gift."

Whatever your answer may be to this question, being “young at heart” is an endearing expression we use for people who enjoy...

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Dr Hyman’s Picante Mango Smoothie

dr hyman health smoothie Mar 11, 2021

Serves 1


2 scoops collagen powder (about 2 tablespoons)
½ cup mango chunks, fresh or frozen
1 inch fresh spicy red chili or 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
1 tablespoon lime juice
1 tablespoon hemp seeds
1 tablespoon goji berries
½ cup coconut water
½ cup non-dairy milk
8 ice cubes

1. Combine all ingredients in a high speed blender, blend for 20 seconds, and serve

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Greek Protein Salad

health protein salad Feb 21, 2021

Serves 2 entrees

Greek Protein Salad


2 cups cooked quinoa
1 red bell pepper, chopped
1/2 cup cucumber, chopped
1 cup chickpeas
1/2 red onion, finely chopped
1/4 cup kalamata olives, cut in half
1/2 cup roasted red pepper, chopped
1/3 cup fresh basil
1/4 cup Daiya Vegan Cheese


  1. Prepare salad by adding all ingredients in a large bowl and mix.
  2. Mix all the salad dressing ingredients together in a small jar.Cover with lid and shake until incorporated.
  3. Pour half the salad dressing onto the quinoa salad and taste it. If you would like more dressing, add more.

Lemon Oregano Dressing

2 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
1/3 cup olive oil
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon maple syrup
Salt and pepper to taste

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Dr. Hyman's 5 Hacks to Curb Your Cravings

Well it’s a month out from New Year’s Day, and we thought we’d check in to see how things are going with some of your intentions for 2021. Since health and weight loss are typically high on the list of the goals desired, we thought we’d offer some sage advice on practical ways to curb your cravings! 

When stress is high it’s natural for your cravings to increase and for you to look to food to provide extra comfort. Pair that with the addictive nature of many of the processed foods that surround us and finding food freedom can often be a real challenge. 

Bottom line, cravings are real but there are solid strategies to help us break free.  Let’s take a moment to look at some key research from our RISE Expert, Dr. Mark Hyman on 5 key practices that will help to eliminate your cravings and lay the foundation to reach your goals...

The Right Mind Shift to Fight Cravings

“Nobody wants to be overweight or suffer...

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Does Your Life Feel Balanced?


It seems like forever ago when life seemed more manageable, less stressful, more balanced. It feels like only yesterday when we could leave work at work and not bring it to our couch at 9:00 PM!  Now our work or obligations or stress seem to follow us wherever we go…. 

 We know for many in our RISE Community, you are balancing a lot! All of  the demands of work and home-much as you did before-but the difference is, now many are managing multiple responsibilities all at the same time-with no boundaries or clear separation-leaving little time to recover and feel restored.  

 So we thought this week would be a great time to begin strengthening our balance-creating more space to better take care of You!  We wanted to share with you a quick self-survey you can use to identify your current Work--Relationship-Life Balance. We’d encourage you to take this self-survey and a month from now, after using some of the RISE tools and...

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Science Based Moves to Make a New You

The key to making 2021 a stronger and healthier year is going to be learning how to RISE Together! When it comes to your fitness, here are some tips and ideas we hope will help you get on the move.   

Did you know? 

Dr. James Levine, an expert in the field of inactivity and health from the Mayo Clinic, has determined how individuals spend their day can have a dramatic impact upon their waist-line, metabolism, calorie burning, health and longevity. 

According to Dr. Levine, the average American employee spends the majority of their time seated. Estimates range from 7-8 hours per day at their desk or at lunch as well as an additional 5-6 hours seated while commuting, watching TV or on their computer seated at home. Dr. Levine states from his research,  "Excessive sitting is a lethal activity.” 

For most of us, 2020 we found ourselves sitting more than ever! But there is hope. According to Levine, small movements performed throughout one’s...

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One Tiny Thing to RISE in a Season of Uncertainty

If we were to answer the same question, 2020 has been a doozy! For sure one of the most challenging years of our lives....Yes, we are right there with you…so many things seem out of our control and we feel like our challenges are so much BIGGER than us individually, as a community, nation and world.   

We got too wondering with all the BIG things surrounding us..,what One Tiny Thing can we do to help each of us RISE above our difficulty, question, fear, struggle or pain?

This week we wanted to share together as a community how to shrink the BIG things down into “tiny” doable steps as we face our current challenges and seek to overcome them. 

In other words, “What is One Tiny Thing I can do today to RISE above the BIGGER challenges in my life today?” 

And the best part about leaning into the One Tiny Thing... it doesn’t require willpower or motivation to make it happen! It is within our reach to do now. 

So in this...

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The Fastest Way to Boost Your Mood


In our month of learning how to RISE with Kindness we thought you’d enjoy a unique exercise that will help you boost your mood immediately. Take a moment to watch the short video we filmed for you...

Our monthly coaching program welcomes new members every month! Enjoy all of this for under $100 for 30 Days Risk Free and jump into our next open group starting on November 9th, 2020!


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