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The Benefits of Green Exercise

exercise fitness outdoors rise Jun 22, 2024

With summer just being around the corner, it’s time to head outdoors and enjoy the sunshine! In fact, exercising outdoors provides more benefits than working out indoors. Here’s an article from the American Council on Exercise that talks about the benefits of green exercise.

Studies have found that green exercise—or exercise performed in natural environments—can yield benefits beyond those seen with performing the same exercise indoors. You likely know that regular exercise provides countless health benefits, including the prevention and management of hypertension, obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, not to mention the stress relief and mental health benefits that moving regularly can provide. But did you know that you can boost those benefits simply by taking your movement outdoors? 

Here are the findings from five key studies on the benefits of outdoor exercise:

  • Compared to exercise alone, green exercise was found to be more...
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Exercise Mistakes You Might Be Making

exercise fitness rise workout Oct 15, 2023

Whether you’re a newbie or veteran at exercising, you’ll need to watch out for exercise mistakes that impact your workout’s effectiveness. Health expert JJ Virgin shares the top five to look out for and what to do about it.

1. Overdoing Cardio and Neglecting Strength Training
Like acid-washed jeans and bleached hair, the cardio-obsessed 80s have faded away. Yet even today, I see folks trudging on the treadmill, usually thumbing through a magazine or catching up on Real Housewives on that little TV screen. I want to gently guide these folks into the weight room. Strength training does so many things, including boosting metabolism, increasing bone density, and steadying blood-sugar levels.

As you get older, muscle becomes critical: once you turn 30, muscle mass begins to decrease about 3-8% every decade. After 60, that loss becomes even higher. During prolonged periods of cardio, your body may start breaking down muscle tissue for energy. Some types, including...

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5 Ways to Stay Motivated to Exercise

Mark Twain said “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” This applies to any goal we want to achieve in life. Sometimes though life happens, we get stuck, and our motivation is nowhere to be found. This is when we need to whip out our toolbox and dig into the tools to get us back on track. One of the important areas where we need to stay motivated is getting some exercise and movement. Health expert Tana Amen has some excellent suggestions on how we can keep the fire going when it comes to exercise.

Make a list of the benefits you get from being physically active.
I’m a big fan of making lists of pros and cons, and doing this for exercise can help motivate you to get moving. Sure, decades of research show that exercise is a wonder drug…without the side effects. It improves moods, reduces stress, and boosts brain health. But I want you to create a personalized list. How does being active make you feel? More energized?...

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You're Never Too Old To Exercise

“I’m too old to exercise!”

“I’ll hurt myself.”

“I don’t move like I used to.”

These are some common excuses that older individuals say about exercise. Are these statements true though to the point that a person, as they get older, can no longer become more active? Is it really too late to start?

Dr. Beth Templin holds a Clinical Doctorate in Physical Therapy and is a board-certified specialist in geriatric physical therapy. Here’s what she has to say:

“Myth 1: I’m too old to start exercising.
This is completely false. Age does not play a role in your ability to exercise. Research on healthy aging shows that exercise for aging adults is not only safe but beneficial. People can safely begin to exercise in their 70s, 80s, and beyond. It’s never too late to get started, and it does not matter if you’ve never exercised before.

No matter what your current age or fitness level, your body benefits from...

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Science Based Moves to Make a New You

The key to making 2021 a stronger and healthier year is going to be learning how to RISE Together! When it comes to your fitness, here are some tips and ideas we hope will help you get on the move.   

Did you know? 

Dr. James Levine, an expert in the field of inactivity and health from the Mayo Clinic, has determined how individuals spend their day can have a dramatic impact upon their waist-line, metabolism, calorie burning, health and longevity. 

According to Dr. Levine, the average American employee spends the majority of their time seated. Estimates range from 7-8 hours per day at their desk or at lunch as well as an additional 5-6 hours seated while commuting, watching TV or on their computer seated at home. Dr. Levine states from his research,  "Excessive sitting is a lethal activity.” 

For most of us, 2020 we found ourselves sitting more than ever! But there is hope. According to Levine, small movements performed throughout one’s...

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7 Best Tips from Dr Hyman

We thought it would be encouraging to check-in with one of our RISE Expert Faculty, Dr. Mark Hyman and glean a few of his favorite ways to strengthen and fortify our health for the journey ahead.

 “We have to protect ourselves, our families, and communities. Above all, we have to stay healthy. Here are a few things I've been focusing on over the last few weeks to support my immunity:

1. A whole-foods, nutrient-dense diet.

Our immune system relies on nutrient-dense whole foods to function well. Vegetables are the foundation of a nourishing diet, and they provide so many immune-supporting nutrients like vitamin C (red bell peppers, broccoli, and spinach) and carotenoids (carrots, sweet potatoes, and kale). Aim for two servings of fruits and eight or more servings of vegetables a day! (A serving is half a cup.)

Berries, pasture-raised meats, and nuts and seeds are also nutritional powerhouses that will hold up great in the freezer, so you can stay...

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