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You're Never Too Old To Exercise

“I’m too old to exercise!”

“I’ll hurt myself.”

“I don’t move like I used to.”

These are some common excuses that older individuals say about exercise. Are these statements true though to the point that a person, as they get older, can no longer become more active? Is it really too late to start?

Dr. Beth Templin holds a Clinical Doctorate in Physical Therapy and is a board-certified specialist in geriatric physical therapy. Here’s what she has to say:

“Myth 1: I’m too old to start exercising.
This is completely false. Age does not play a role in your ability to exercise. Research on healthy aging shows that exercise for aging adults is not only safe but beneficial. People can safely begin to exercise in their 70s, 80s, and beyond. It’s never too late to get started, and it does not matter if you’ve never exercised before.

No matter what your current age or fitness level, your body benefits from...

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Move Your World!

active fitness movement rise Jul 14, 2022

Imagine your world in motion. Everything is moving in the right direction. Your work, your relationships, your health, your wellbeing and your life. All of your hopes and dreams are moving forward in a positive, exciting and meaningful way. 

What would a world like this look like? What would a world like this feel like? 

For many, this world of being “on the move”, is not a reality. In fact it’s just the opposite. Most of us find ourselves or those we live with, work with or associate with stuck, trapped and imprisoned like birds locked in a cage, unable to fly. This silent majority, for years, has longed for the day and the key to break free and unlock their dreams and potential, wondering when they will discover the solution to break out and spread their wings and finally fly.  

Well, that time….IS NOW! 

There is a key to unlock our immobile, inactive and unrealized hopes and potential and get our lives and those we care about...

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Move More, Sit Less and Thrive

fitness movement May 20, 2021

We all know that we need to exercise, but did you know you can also improve your health – and your waistline – just by adding a little more movement to your day? Americans sit for an average of 13 hours a day, and experts say sitting for more than eight hours a day is so bad for you, it can even negate the positive effects of regular exercise!

Take steps to combat that. Literally. Experts recommend we take an average of 10,000 steps per day to maintain good health. Unfortunately, the average American takes only 1,000 to 3,000 per day, a difference that contributes to heart disease, obesity and diabetes.

So, step it up! These tips will help you get moving:

Take the stairs. Whether you skip up one flight or trek up eight, taking the stairs instead of the elevator you will help you burn calories, increase your energy and help clear out the cobwebs. And by using your own power to move between floors, taking the stairs is also an easy way to go green!

Give up Your...

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