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Move More, Sit Less and Thrive

fitness movement May 20, 2021

We all know that we need to exercise, but did you know you can also improve your health – and your waistline – just by adding a little more movement to your day? Americans sit for an average of 13 hours a day, and experts say sitting for more than eight hours a day is so bad for you, it can even negate the positive effects of regular exercise!

Take steps to combat that. Literally. Experts recommend we take an average of 10,000 steps per day to maintain good health. Unfortunately, the average American takes only 1,000 to 3,000 per day, a difference that contributes to heart disease, obesity and diabetes.

So, step it up! These tips will help you get moving:

Take the stairs. Whether you skip up one flight or trek up eight, taking the stairs instead of the elevator you will help you burn calories, increase your energy and help clear out the cobwebs. And by using your own power to move between floors, taking the stairs is also an easy way to go green!

Give up Your Parking Spot. Have a prime spot near the office door? Give it up and park your car at the far end of the lot, around the block or – if you live close enough to your office – even back at home. The steps you take to and from work will go a long way toward achieving that desired 10,000 steps per day!

Garden. Whether your garden is a vast expanse in your backyard or a pot on your windowsill, gardening gives you the opportunity to stretch, bend, dig and lift. And if you grow healthy fruits and vegetables, so much the better!

Walk the Dog. If you’re out of shape, chances are good Fido is not doing that great, either. If you have a dog, make sure you take him out on walks every day – it will do you both good. 

Fidget. Remember how your mother used to tell you to sit still? Well, (in this one case, and one case only) mother was wrong. The British Journal of Sports Medicine found that individuals who moved just a little bit, by fidgeting or getting up to move their bodies throughout the day, significantly improved their health and combatted the havoc a sedentary lifestyle wrecks on your metabolism.

Walk and Talk. If your calendar is full of meetings, consider conducting a few of them as “walking meetings.” Gather your co-workers for a brisk walk around the office, around the block or in a nearby park. Now your 2 o’clock can be productive and healthy!

Walk it Over. Instead of instant messaging, emailing or calling a co-worker with that quick question or clarification, walk over to her office and ask or say it in person.

Recess. Just as you needed a break every 50 minutes for physical activity in grade school, turn away from your desk every hour and take a 2-minute recess break. Jumping jacks, wall-push ups, a walk around the office. Moving your body helps invigorate you, protect you from the aches and pains of sitting too long and helps improve your metabolism.


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