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20 Questions to Help You Review Your Past Year

journal new year review rise Jan 11, 2023

In our coaching programs, one of the things we recommend is to do a week in review where you write down your wins for the week, the areas where you did well, areas where you need to see more growth, and what you need to focus on the next week. Well what about a year in review? We are still a week into the new year so it would be good to take time to answer these questions from and write them down in your journal. As you write down your answers, feel free to expand your thoughts, turn them into prayers and write them down with a spirit of gratitude.

1. What was the single best thing that happened this past year?

2. What was the single most challenging thing that happened?

3. What was an unexpected joy this past year?

4. What was an unexpected obstacle?

5. Pick three words to describe this past year.

6. Pick three words your partner or close friend would use to describe your year.

7. Pick three words your partner or close friend would use to describe...

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7 Minutes Could Change Your Life!

Hi my name is Sean….
and I am a recovering Health & Wellness Professional!

Let me explain.

For years I have been teaching individuals how to improve their personal fitness, health and wellbeing and all the while I was suffering from a sickness I really didn’t know I had.

Exhausted, on my knees….I was done.
Have you ever been there?

You see, over the last 30 years as a health & fitness author and coach I’ve spent the majority of my professional career training others to strengthen and improve their physical fitness, health and lives.

It was on this day it hit me, I saw aspects of my own life, beginning to unravel.

I was suffering from a condition I really didn’t know I had.

I had been reading a book titled “Margin”-Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial and Time Reserves to Overloaded Lives written by Richard Swenson MD. As I was perusing the pages I kept finding nuggets of information I thought would be helpful for many of my...

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Dream Big to Beat the Odds in 2022!

Are you super clear on what you want and why you want what you want? Do you consider yourself revolutionary? When we become clear, our mind shifts and things seem to fall into place. We are not just reciting another resolution or setting an unattainable lofty goal. There is something that makes each of us unique as a S.P.A.R.K. is lit. We strategize with a wish, pinpointing our why, activating a system to cast a vision, refining our next steps by design, knowing we live and expand into a bigger calling for our lives.

We’ve just been reading some stats about New Year goals and resolutions. It’s hard to believe, but over 80% of people who make these resolutions ditch them by February. And many don’t even make it until then.

The good news is that doesn’t need to be you!

Let’s dive into 4 keys to make changes that last…  

1. Dream Big!
It’s essential to take a step back from your life and imagine what significant changes you’d...

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Heres How to Beat the Odds!

We’ve just been reading some stats about New Year goals and resolutions. It’s hard to believe, but over 80% of people who make these resolutions ditch them by February. And many don’t even make it until then. 

The good news is that doesn’t need to be you!

Let’s dive into 4 keys to make changes that last…

Dream Big!
It’s essential to take a step back from your life and imagine what significant changes you’d like to create over the next year. If you knew you couldn’t fail, what bigger picture goals would you like to achieve. Once you have a clear target it’s so much easier to create the momentum needed to get there.

Small Steps = Remarkable Results
We know it’s within your reach to increase your energy, improve your mood, lose unwanted weight, strengthen your relationships, and the other goals that mean the most to you. The key here is to take your big picture goals, break them down into bite-sized pieces, small...

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50% Complete

Two Step

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