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20 Questions to Help You Review Your Past Year

journal new year review rise Jan 11, 2023

In our coaching programs, one of the things we recommend is to do a week in review where you write down your wins for the week, the areas where you did well, areas where you need to see more growth, and what you need to focus on the next week. Well what about a year in review? We are still a week into the new year so it would be good to take time to answer these questions from and write them down in your journal. As you write down your answers, feel free to expand your thoughts, turn them into prayers and write them down with a spirit of gratitude.

1. What was the single best thing that happened this past year?

2. What was the single most challenging thing that happened?

3. What was an unexpected joy this past year?

4. What was an unexpected obstacle?

5. Pick three words to describe this past year.

6. Pick three words your partner or close friend would use to describe your year.

7. Pick three words your partner or close friend would use to describe...

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Consider These Tips When Making New Year Resolutions

Happy New Year! Just like you, we too are excited about facing a brand new year! January is also the time when people start thinking about new year resolutions. But how important is it really to come up with new goals or promises when, as we know, sometimes promises get broken. Dr. Caroline Leaf tells us that it’s okay to not keep a resolution. She says it’s actually quite difficult to build a new mental habit, which is the foundation of any lifestyle change, and it requires time and good mind management. Here are some of Dr. Leaf’s wisdom nuggets regarding new year resolutions:

  • As you start your new year’s journey, you may find that your resolution needs to be changed, because your needs have changed, or you find that your resolution was too big. This is why it is always important to be open-minded to changing your direction. If something doesn’t work for you, analyze why and try something different. Have what I call a “possibilities...
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