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Monday Motivation - Fuel Your Potential

No matter how hard we try, most of us couldn’t  simply head out the door and run 26.2 miles. If we want to run a marathon, we’re going to have to train for it. Effort alone just won’t cut it. 

But what if you woke up each morning and trained to run a marathon by following an exercise program, a running schedule, and a recovery schedule? Almost anyone will have the ability to successfully complete a marathon. That’s the difference between training and trying.

The key is to train for what you want! Training requires action and a shift in mindset.It involves taking small intentional steps that in the end add up to remarkable results!

This week as you look for practical ways to fuel your potential, ask yourself what area of your life would you most like to change and have you been training or just trying in that area?” 

Don’t beat yourself up if you’ve been just “trying” and not formally “training”....

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Keep Moving

How are you? How are you feeling? 

No question, it’s been a challenging few weeks for all of us and most likely under the weight of this situation you’ve felt its impact in some area of your life-body, mind, heart and spirit. We wanted to share with you some simple strategies over the coming weeks to help you gain strength to overcome obstacles you may be facing. We have discovered one of the best ways to help you do that is to boost your emotion through “motion”.  

According to fitness researcher, Michael Bracko of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the psychological aspect of exercise has been overlooked for some time now. Bracko states, “The psychological benefits of exercise are as important, if not more so, than the physical benefits. The physical needs and outcomes of exercise, whether it’s to lose weight, tone muscle, or address obesity dominates what we hear about, but lots of people who exercise...

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