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Açaí Smoothie Bowl

As the weather starts to warm up, it is a great time to try an açaí smoothie bowl as a delicious breakfast option! These intense berries not only taste good but are rich in antioxidants. A few studies have shown that açaí fruit pulp is even richer in antioxidants than cranberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, or blueberries. The açaí berry can be described as an inch-long, reddish-purple fruit. It comes from the acai palm tree, which is native to Central and South America.

Açaí Smoothie Bowl Ingredients

  • 1 packet açaí, frozen
  • ½ cup mixed frozen berries
  • ½ banana 
  • ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ½ cup water or coconut water
  • A few drops of liquid stevia (optional)
  • Handful ice (optional)


1.  Add the açaí, mixed berries, banana, stevia, vanilla extract and water to a blender and start to blend. Add more liquid till desired consistency.

2. Add ice to...

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