One of the reasons why we don’t meet our goals is because we lack motivation. When we’re not motivated things don’t happen - the house doesn’t get cleaned, we don’t get to finish a project in time, we don't get to work out. There are ways to get out of the unmotivated rut and this list from Verywell Mind gives you some ideas.
Act as If You Feel Motivated
You may be able to trick yourself into feeling motivated by changing your behavior. Act as if you felt motivated, and your actions may change your emotions. For example, rather than sit on the couch in your pajamas all day waiting for motivation to strike, get dressed and get moving. You might find that taking action will increase your motivation, which makes it easier to keep going. So ask yourself, “What would I be doing right now if I felt motivated?” Consider what you’d be wearing, how you’d be thinking, and what actions you’d be taking. Then, do these things,...
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