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Learn How To Create Balance In Your Life

Do you ever feel like sometimes your life seems out of balance? Do you feel that work sometimes gets in the way of life? According to Psychology Today, “Work-life balance” describes the equilibrium between the demands of “work,” and the activities that make up the rest of our lives. “Work” may represent working for income, but also includes caring for loved ones, and performing other essential activities. We each need quality personal time outside of work. Yet it's not always easy to reconcile your personal life with things you must do. Before we can balance work with life, we need to establish the starting point. Ask yourself: How much of my energy goes to me and my family/friends, compared with time spent working?

“It is not work but rather the pursuit of things outside of work that are often the most rewarding. From travel to family time, personal time, socializing, volunteering, and other recreation, these activities are enriching....

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Simple Strategies That Work

This week we want to take a fresh look at what it really takes to make wellness simple, and to explore a few key tools that promise to renew and recharge your life!

If you’ve been looking for a way to kick start your health and to find simple strategies that actually work, then you’ve come to the right place!


For centuries, societies across the globe have engaged in sacred practices that elevate one’s faith, hope and a greater sense of purpose in life- all which have been scientifically shown to increase one’s happiness.

Starting each morning with acts such as praying, meditating, journaling or reading a sacred scripture creates a “Sacred Moment”, that can dramatically impact your heart and set the stage for the day.


Romans 12:2 states that we will be transformed by the renewing of our minds. And research shows that one of the best mindset shifts is to have an attitude of gratitude!

We suggest...

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