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Habits To Help You Live A Happier Life Part 1

We know about our bad habits. Sometimes these habits can be firmly established and will take time to unlearn. However, our values and good habits are also deeply rooted in us and nurturing them or building new good ones can certainly help us live happier. At Healthline, they came up with a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly list of positive habits to choose from and start working on. This week we’ll focus on the daily list. Choose one or two habits that you feel you can improve daily and see how this week goes for you. Ready? Set. Go.

1. Smile

You tend to smile when you’re happy. But it’s actually a two-way street. We smile because we’re happy, and smiling causes the brain to release dopamine, which makes us happier. While not completely foolproof, researchers have found that the link between smiling and happiness could be attributed to the “facial feedback hypothesis,” where facial expressions may have a modest influence on emotions.

That does...

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The Power of Kindness

Treating other people well is a great rule to live by. But did you know it’s also good for your health, vitality and growing resilience?

Psychology researcher Barbara Fredrickson, PhD, author of Love 2.0: Creating Happiness and Health in Moments of Connection, studies how “micro-moments” of connection with others, like sharing a smile or expressing concern, improve emotional resilience, boost the immune system, and reduce susceptibility to depression and anxiety.

In Fredrickson’s view, we need affirmative human connection in much the same way that our bodies need wholesome food. “Moments of uplifting positive emotions function like nutrients for creativity, growth, and health,” she says.

Interested in encouraging that positive shift within yourself? Here are a few simple tips on growing compassionate connections and fostering kindness from the authors at Experience Life

Adjust your automatic responses.
Stress triggers us to act...

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